Sunday, 29 April 2012

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Sheikh Zakzaky Commemorates Martyrdom of Sayyidah Fatimah(SA)

The Leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky expressed that the first days of the month of Jimada Thani are not moment joys and celebrations
 as the first five days of the month are days for the commemoration of the martyrdom of Sayyidah Fatimah(SA). He called the attention of members against celebration in these days. He made the explanation on Monday the 23rd of April 2012 at Husainiyyah Baqiyyatullah during the weekly Lesson from the book of  Nahjul Balagha.

The sheikh further explained that there is variation regarding the martyrdom of the Sayyidah Fatimah(SA)which  arised from the olden ways of recording manuscripts  in which the texts didn’t contain paraphrases which  resulted in giving two meanings to  the texts of  the Report which says  the number of days between Sayyidah Fatimah(SAW) and her father when he departed the world is khams wa sab’een (75)or khams wa tis’een (95). The way these numbers are written in the old ways of writing  is the same, thus the variation.

The Sheikh emphasized that there should be no celebration in these days as they coincide with Sayyidah’s martyrdom. Birthday commemorations of Sayyidah Fatimah shall come after the passage of these first days of the month of Jimada Thani.
The Islamic Movement in Nigeria commemorates with Muslim Ummah especially the Followers of Ahlulbayt(AS) on the martyrdom anniversary of Sayyidah Fatimah (SA).



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