Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Mallam Turi Pays Courtesy Visit to Sheikh Qaribullah

Shaikh Muhammad M Turi along with some Brothers of the Islamic movement in Nigeria paid courtesy call on Khalifa Amirul Jaish Shaikh Karibullah Shaikh Nasiru in his residence in Kabara
on 19th Shawwal 1434 (25/8/2013) at Darul Qadiriyyah. While receiving the entourage Shaikh Karibullah  expressed happiness with the visit and commended the visionary role of the leader of Islamic movement Sayyid Ibraheem Zakzaky (H), so also his effort in fostering relations and uniting the Muslim Ummah in this trying era. Shaikh Muhammad Turi commended on the effort of Darul Qadiriyyah in organising and conducting various programmes intend towards Islamic education.
Both Scholars offered prayers especially on the state of affairs in various Muslim countries.
Muhammad Isa Ahmad

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Ayatollah Makarem: ‘Muslims should know their enemies

Senior Shia
cleric, Ayatollah
Naser Makarem
Shirazi urged
Muslims to know
their enemies
with more
knowledge, tact and vigilance.
“The crimes perpetrated against Muslims by
their enemies are without precedent in the
recorded human history,” said the Islamic
scholar stating that the enemies try their
utmost and spare no effort in fulfilling their
willful aims.
Qom Seminary instructor beckoned to the
ongoing crisis in Syria and slammed those
Arabian countries which arm the militants with
weapons, providing the ground for them to
shed the blood of innocent people in this
country including hundreds of children and
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi underscored, “what
is happening in Syria in a patent breach of
human right law.”
“Slaying innocent people brings nothing except
fiasco for the so called human right defendant
countries which, in effect, provide a conducive
ground for Militants to massacre civilians,” the
religious pundit pointed out.
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi underlined that the
divine religion of Islam is after peace and slams
any moves and acts running counter to this
very principle.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

International Quds Day in Zaria City, Nigeria

Pictures taken
during Quds Day
Procession in
Zaria City on
Friday the 25th
of Ramadan
A long procession of several kilometers was
attended by massive number of people.

Pictures of International Quds Day in Kaduna- Nigeria

These are the
Pictures of the
Quds Day
Procession in
Kaduna Nigeria.
The Procession
was attended by hundred of thousands of
Friday the 25th of ramadan

Copyright @ 2013 Shekh Ibrahim Yakubu El-Zakzaky (H).