Sunday 26 August 2012

No going back we march to emancipate Quds

The Kano Da’ira of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria joined the global expression of solidarity to the Palestinian struggle against Zionism
 on Friday 29th Ramadan (17th Aug, 2012). Peaceful procession was conducted in the ancient city of Kano. The march took off from the renowned Waje Mosque in Fagge quarters, proceeded through the famous Kano Eid ground adjacent to the K/Wambai Market, through Kofar mata, then past the Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital and terminated at the City Central Mosque, Emir’s palace. The portrait of the ‘dome of the rock’ was at the front of the procession. Exuberant youths were chanting “No going back, we march to emancipate Quds.”
 For the last 64 years, the Zionists drove away and usurped the Palestinian lands. The oppressed continue to suffer day in day out from acts of savagery. The third most important mosque to the Muslim World, Al-Aqsa in Quds became under Zionist tight control. It may be recalled that the last Friday of every Ramadan was designated as the International Quds day by the revered leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, late Ayatullah Ruhullah al Musawiy Al Khumayniy (QS). This day is being observed throughout the Muslim World for the last 33 years.
In his closing remarks, Malam Muhammad Mahmud Turi expressed gratitude to the Almighty, who made the program to succeed against all sinister plans by the errand boys of the Zionists in Nigeria. He expressed the Palestinian tragedy as the worst in recent human history. He noted that Muslims and non Muslims with human feeling cannot afford to overlook this oppression. He called the attention of the teeming audience that it was in August 1979 that Imam Khumainy declared the last Friday in each Ramadan as the international Quds day. This call has been answered globally by various countries and communities.
Commenting on the current global happenings Sheikh Turi observed that in Syria, the world arrogance and their cohorts continue to sponsor insurgents to destabilize the regime. Bashir al Asad is a friend to the resistance front against Zionism. He has solidarity with the Palestinian Struggle, HAMAS, Hizbullah and the Islamic Republic in Iran. Again, Malam Turi noted the unabated pathetic massacre of Mynmarese Muslims by the pagan Buddhists. In Nigeria, he said that the merchants of evil instituted terror in the form of planting bombs, more especially in places of worship, indiscriminate shootings, all in an effort to destabilize the country.
As continuation of his remarks, Malam Turi brought to limelight the fact that current events signal the beginning of the end of the illegal Zionist entity- Israel. He said that Sayyid Nasrallah told the world that Israel is now an empty can devoid of action; they keep on chanting war rhetoric only. If it were in yesteryears, they could have launched their provocative attacks. Even their overlord, the USA is in a dilemma on venturing into war with the Islamic resistance front.
This Front will certainly overpower the oppressors. The leaders of these resistance movements would serve as the lieutenants of the Saviour of mankind at the end of times, Imam Mahdi (AF). So at the time of his reappearance, vanquish of the combined satanic arrogant forces would certainly be accomplished. The revered leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, his Eminence Sayyid Ibraheem Ya’qoub El Zakzaky (H) is among these able lieutenants. He would re-establish Islam which is the only way out in Nigeria.
In his closing remarks Malam Turi challenged that “if there are supporters of Israel let them be bold enough as we have been to assign a date and come out to show solidarity with the Zionists.” at the end, he expressed appreciation to the efforts of brothers and sisters in organizing and supporting the program. He prayed for our continued prosperity after Ramadan.

Christian/Muslim group visits Sheikh Zakzaky (H)

The Christian/Muslim Youth Peace Initiative who are out to foster peace and understanding among adherents of the two major Nigerian religions have paid a Sallah visit to the revered leader
 of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky at his home in Zaria on 20th August 2012.
Speaking at the occasion, the leader of the delegation Mr Diji Haruna, who is also the chairman youth wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) said that they were there to pay a Eid visit to the revered leader of the Islamic Movement and to extend the message of their association which is to promote peace and understanding among the various adherents of the two major religions in the country.
He said, “We want to be our brother’s keepers because without peace one cannot practice his or her religion perfectly. We therefore resolved to come together to do everything possible to restore lasting peace, not only in Kaduna but in Nigeria at large.”
He explained that their program will cover the entire nation where they hope to have branches in all the state capitals. He said, “After Kaduna state, the next state to benefit from this program is Plateau state. Again we will make sure we have branches in all the states of the federation.”
Addressing the delegation, the revered leader of the Islamic Movement, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H) expressed gratitude for the visit and described their effort as commendable.
Mr. Diji Haruna hands over wall clock to the Leader
In a brief speech he delivered the revered leader of the Islamic Movement described the difference between man and animal as the sense of reasoning possessed by man. He said “the difference between man and animal is the sense of reasoning possessed by man and man differentiates himself from an animal when he uses it rightly.”
Touching on the Nigerian state he mentioned that Nigeria was founded by the colonialist not for Nigerians but for their own economic interest. He explained how the composition of the Nigerian state is being exploited by some interest groups to achieve their personal whims while he condemned tribalism as one of the tools they exploit.
He said about tribalism, “I hate the term tribal. No one has chosen to belong to any tribe. He only found himself belonging to the tribe and so there is no reason one should fight on the basis of tribe. I am detribalized.”
He said, “there is rivalry in the way Nigeria is due to its composition. Rivalry could be useful and could be destructive as well. It could be useful when it brings competition and development and it could be destructive when people use it to fight one another.”
He also spoke on how the differences among Nigerians, including religious differences is being exploited by interest parties that include politicians to achieve their personal whims. He said, “The issue of religion has the concept of ‘we are right and every other person is wrong.’ And this is due to differences. In the past the politicians have used these differences for their personal benefits. They used these to build themselves while they make people to believe that those who profess a contrary faith are their enemies.” He added that the differences between the adherents of the various religions is being exploited by enemies abroad in order to achieve their whims as well. He said, “also our enemies from outside use the same thing to achieve their interest. There are those who exploit the religious differences to achieve their benefits. Like the so-called Boko Haram is a program from outside. They are exploiting the religious differences to create tension in order to achieve their selfish goals.”
The revered leader called for understanding among the adherent of the religions as no one could live on his own. He mentioned that since it is impossible to live apart, then there should be an understanding of how to live together adding that we are connected in one way or the other.
He said, “there is a saying of imam Ali AS that there are two types of humans, they are either your brothers in religion or your brothers in creation.
No man is an island and so everyone has to live with the other and not alone because it is virtually impossible to live alone. There is an example in Lebanon that is similar to Nigeria they have gone through a lot of hardship and crises due to their composition and have finally reached the consensus and understanding of how to live together and are now living together despite the differences.
“If we know that we have to live together why then don’t we stop the fight and  come and understand how to live together.”
The leader of the Islamic Movement Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H) wished the association success and also said that they will be accorded the necessary support they desire in their mission and prayed for their success. 

Who’s the actual threat to peace?

As a member of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the leadership of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H), one of the most enthusiastic moments with me is looking forward to an event that involves procession or rally.
 This is because, it is one of the most effective ways of reaching out to the public. As a result of this, one of the most moving events of the holy month of Ramadan in the mind of every struggling Muslim is the marking of the international Quds day.
This is an event that is marked on the last Friday of every month of Ramadan as declared by the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumaini (QS). The global Islamic Movement displays its steadfastness in all parts of the world including the streets of cities in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. People come out, irrespective of their religions to protest the illegal occupation of the Palestinian lands by the Israelis as a result of which they occupy the third most holiest Mosque in Islam, the Mosque of Jerusalem (Al-Quds).
On the streets, slogans condemning the illegal state of Israel are chanted. Those in the processions and rallies also chant, “Death to America!” for its hypocritical role of protecting the illegal state of Israel. The atrocities of the illegal state of Israel against the Palestinians, like the murder, persecution and destruction of the houses of the Palestinians by the Zionists are all condemned by the Global Islamic Movement.
Nigeria, the seat of the Islamic Movement under the leadership of his eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H) is not left behind in this great activity. It has become known to almost all Nigerians who are aware of the activities of the Movement that the members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria always mark the event annually in the holy month of Ramadan as do others in other parts of the world.
In Nigeria this year around, the level of the instituted insecurity bourn out of the imposed insurgence of a said armed Islamic sect founded a different scenery for the event. All junctions and roads in Kaduna metropolis were taken over by heavily armed military personnel who were all combat ready, in Potiskum, Yobe state, with the Joint Task Force in-charge and people leaving the town out of fear of attack by suicide bombers, in Kano city where the state governor was planning for a 24 hour curfew to hinder the possible marking of the procession, in Katsina where the state government had banned un-registered Islamic organizations from activities, in Sokoto where the state governor had forcefully ejected the members of the Islamic Movement from the state, destroyed their houses, killed some of them and jailed over a hundred of them and in Gombe which is a leading name on the list of insurgency affected areas, the Quds Day was marked successfully without any negative report.
From Kaduna where I participated, a very horrifying scene was created by the military men and police who were everywhere. Movement of vehicles was restricted in the early hours of the day. Those on motor circles were forced to drop and push their motor bikes past the check points. In some places, the roads were blocked and no one was allowed to pass. The situation was very tense and personal peace of the people was threatened. Fear was induced in them as though something bad was happening.
Those who knew about the annual event were not surprised at all. The authorities are trying to hide behind the claimed insecurity to stop the activities of the Movement. It is a known fact that the insecurity is not unconnected with the plans of the authorities to stop the Movement. It is a way of instilling fear in people and making them run away from the Movement.
It is such that they will bomb places and kill people to make them believe that there is insecurity, while on the other hand they chase the wind to claim that they are fighting against terrorists. The resultant situation they have created will subsequently terrorize the people to make them fear rising for their rights in the name of religion and also see any body calling for religion as a terrorist.
It is a deliberate plan involving various stakeholders who benefit in one way or the other in the Nigerian nation. Such benefit could be material or economic while others could be power ridden.
Those stakeholders who benefit economically are the multi-nationals, the stooges in the leadership and the power mongers in America and Europe. America and Israel in particular want to stop the Islamic Movement at all cost. They consider the Movement as the only threat to their interest in the region They cannot afford loosing such interest to an Islamic state in the future by allowing an Iranian type interest to be established as this will lead to their powers diminishing and their control and interest being destroyed while that of the Islamic Iran is integrating. That is why they are killing people and blackmailing Islam. Those with defeated minds will then fear being identified with religion and religious activism.
The simple logic here is that, the Israelis have occupied the Palestinian lands, the Israelis are killing the Palestinians, the Israelis are destroying the houses of the Palestinians, the Mosque of Al-Quds, which is the third holiest Mosque in Islam is under the domination of the Israelis, the Israelis are a threat to the peaceful coexistence of the Middle East etc, and some people believe all these to be wrong and not right. What then is their crime when they stand out to denounce it?
On the other hand, why should force be used in stopping those who protest against such crimes against humanity? Is the person stopping it in support of it and promoting the crime? Why is he so intolerant and extreme in his views that he cannot come out to promote what he supports, instead, he fights those who don’t support what he believes in? at least it is a democracy he can come out and stage a demonstration in support of Israel and not to scare or fight those who are against it. This tells everyone who the government represents and the interest it promotes.
Another painful aspect is how some people attach sectarianism to the demonstration. They and their misguided guides call and describe the demonstrations, rallies and protest as Shi’ism because those who call for it are called Shi’ites.
This is simply a display of myopic mentality and ignorance. Most of those in the occupied Palestinian lands are Sunnis but to the Shi’ites they are their Muslim brothers. There are also non-Muslims like Christians who are victims of the Israeli atrocities and the said Shi’ites help them in fighting for their rights because they are oppressed human beings. The Israelis are racists and they see their race as most superior to other races as such they kill all non-Jewish or Arabs irrespective of what religion they practice and it is the Shi’ites that are saying no to all these inhumanity perpetrated by Israel. If the Shi’ites are condemned for their actions, those who point accusing fingers at them must also be condemned for their myopia.
Indeed the struggle is never the threat it is the system that is fighting the uprising that is the threat to peace and harmony.             

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Pictures of International Qods Day in Kaduna Nigeria

Pictures of the International Quds Day Procession in the city of Kaduna, Nigeria on Friday the 29th of Ramadan 1433 (17/8/12). Hundreds of thousands participated in the procession
 which kicked up from Maiduguri Road and ended at T/wada Juma'a mosque. The processsion passed through the  main street in Kaduna. Children, Sisters and some christians joined the procession too.

Copyright @ 2013 Shekh Ibrahim Yakubu El-Zakzaky (H).